Brakes and Batteries

Your vehicle’s brake system is one of the most important safety systems in your vehicle therefore you should only trust it to the best.
At Spartan, our qualified mechanics are the experts in all things brakes.
Your car’s brakes involve an intricate system of interrelated parts and components to form a critical safety system. The brake system should be regularly checked to ensure it is functioning at its best. Inspection, servicing and repairs should only be carried out by properly trained and qualified technicians, like those you will find at Spartan.
You may need to have your brakes looked at if:
- Your car pulls to the left or right when braking
- Your brake pedal is low, hard, soft or spongy
- Your steering wheel shudders when you brake
- Your brakes screech or squeal
- Your car takes longer to stop than normal
We have all experienced a flat car battery at some stage. The associated run around is time consuming and frustrating. When you need an affordable battery you can count on, here at Spartan we have you covered!
The battery and electrical system are the heart of your car. The battery starts your engine and powers lights, wipers, windows and other accessories. If you can’t start your car, it could be your battery, your starter or the charging system.
Today’s vehicles require much more from the battery; they not only provide energy to the starting system but they are vital for on board systems & accessories.
Many vehicles now use Stop/Start technology to maximise engine fuel efficiency, increasing demand on battery performance.
We provide a comprehensive car battery replacement service that involves testing your car battery’s health and the charge rate of the electrical system charging your battery; our technicians can quickly confirm if a starting problem is the battery or another component.
We use licenced environmental partners to ensure used batteries are recycled and hazardous materials are correctly disposed of.
The battery and electrical system are the heart of your car. The battery starts your engine and powers lights, wipers, windows and other accessories. If you can’t start your car, it could be your battery, your starter or the charging system.
Today’s vehicles require much more from the battery; they not only provide energy to the starting system but they are vital for on board systems & accessories.
Many vehicles now use Stop/Start technology to maximise engine fuel efficiency, increasing demand on battery performance.
We provide a comprehensive car battery replacement service that involves testing your car battery’s health and the charge rate of the electrical system charging your battery; our technicians can quickly confirm if a starting problem is the battery or another component.
We use licenced environmental partners to ensure used batteries are recycled and hazardous materials are correctly disposed of.